Thursday, January 16, 2014

Sweet breakfast

Oooooweeeeee these strawberries are sweet!!!!   My stake for a go to morning breakfast is strawberries and pineapples from Publix.  Publix has delicious cut fruits that are cut daily and Publix!!!  Still no fridge.  My new fridge will be here next Saturday!! Woo hoo....excited about being able to juice again!!!!  Getting a stove too so I'll be cooking for the fam again....time out for eating out all the time....hes a pic of my sweet breakfast!! Yum!.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Still here...

I'm still around!!  Still eating a vegan lifestyle.  The only thing I have done that's has not been raw was eating of rice and some cooked broccoli.....yesterday I made a cashew nut creme and made a parfait out of it with strawberries.  My breakfast this morning was strawberries...and lunch was supposed to be a salad but I have been snacking on oat sesame sticks....I'll eat my salad are some pics!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Breakfast and lunch

Today for breakfast I had another healthy portion of strawberries and pineapples.  For lunch, I prepared a marinated broccoli with almond dressing....delicious!!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Breakfast and lunch

I love the taste of the "it tastes RAAW" juices....I don't have a fridge right now so I get my juices from a local health food store....can't wait to get my fridge!!!   Here's a picture of my breakfast and my lunch.....

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Today for dinner I had some fried rice with my Tahini dressing and carrots dipped in the is absolutely delicious!!!  I have a new addiction!!  I will have to make this dressing's my new favorite.  I have had Goddess dressing from the store...and I must say I prefer my own to any other I've tried....but of course that's because I made it!  :)  My dinner was not completely raw, because I ate the rice....but I didn't eat too much of it.


We had late start today because of the cold temperatures, so I skipped breakfast.  I'm going right into a "brunch".  And I'm I'm about to dive in!!!! 

Monday, January 6, 2014

My dinner

I made a Tahini Goddess dressing with a romaine lettuce salad with cucumbers and a side of pineapple....bob appetit!!!


I should be eating more...lots coworker brought me some veggies for lunch from a local restaurant and I assumed it would be more.....oh well!!!  It's now raw....but I think it'll be ok :)

Breakfast 1/6/14

My breakfast...

Starting again...again...and again

Today I weighed myself and I am 199lbs.....with my small 5'1 frame....that's unhealthy.  I went to the doctor, and on my notes it had a section for previous diagnosis.  Under that, it said obesity.  Obesity.  Wow.  I have this nagging back pain too.   Hate that.  I am doing this 21 day raw food challenge given by a young lady that I follow on YouTube named FullyRawKristina.  I love her energy and her spirit.  She is always very positive, and a little goofy, but I like that about her.  She runs a co-op in Texas, I believe, and she is passionate about raw foods and the health of all people, hence, her 21 day raw food challenge.  Her website is packed with great information about who she is, what she does and how she began her journey, and her fully raw meal plan.  And yes.....for free.  Not only is it FREE, but if you like and comment on all of her videos during the challenge, she will give you a free eBook.  Isn't that just awesomely amazing?  I mean, really...where they do that at??  I actually paid for a raw food program with Jinjee and Storm Talifero called The Garden Diet, but I did not get as much as what I feel I am getting from Kristina.  I am going to post what I do daily, as a way to keep me on track.  I always start and never finish, so this time I hope to finish with flying colors.  I will post pics of my meals daily as well.  I have to do something.  I feel like my body is on overload.  My body and spirit are tired, time for me to reboot myself!!  I included a picture of the Fully Raw challenge from Kristinas webpage.